Recovery IS Empowering (RISE) Court commenced in 2014. Formerly known as Women’s Therapeutic Court, it changed its name in March 2022 to use destigmatizing language about recovery. RISE Court has a successful completion rate of 71%.
RISE Court is a highly structured program lasting six months to five years that is designed to create lasting sobriety and reduce recidivism through weekly court appearances, intensive probation supervision, urine testing, involvement with drug and alcohol treatment, and support groups. Participants are required to meet with their probation officers from one to five times a week depending on their circumstances. Participants have severe alcohol and/or substance addictions and may have a history of trauma or moderate to severe mental health issues. If a participant continues to use drugs and/or alcohol while in a program, she may be admitted to a local residential treatment program for up to 90 days.
Participation Criteria:
Open to female offenders with substance abuse issues and a moderate or high Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS) score.
Graduation Criteria:
To graduate from RISE Court, participants must be drug and alcohol-free for six consecutive months, be employed or enrolled in school, have fulfilled their financial obligation, and have completed special conditions ordered by the Court.
RISE is held on Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. at the Courthouse located at 41 N. Perry Street.